Michael Broxton

b r o x t o n @ g o o g l e . c o m
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About me

I am a staff research scientist and leader of a research team in Project Starline at Google Labs. My expertise is in machine learning, optics, light field imaging, computer vision, remote sensing, and robotics. I've worked with a variety of imaging systems ranging from orbital camera platforms, light field microscopes, and light field camera arrays. I've also built many large-scale image processing systems that process terascale datasets for planetary remote sensing, calcium imaging in live animals, and light field video data for AR/VR applications. Back in the day I was part of a small team that brought Moon mode and Mars mode in Google Earth.

Prior to working at Google, I was a student in the Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory where I completed my CS Ph.D. under Marc Levoy where I developed light field microscope imaging technology for neuroscience applications. I also briefly held a post-doctoral research position in Gordon Wetzstein's Computational Imaging Lab at Stanford. I received my M.Eng and undergraduate degree in 2005 at MIT in EECS, working at the MIT Media Lab with Joe Paradiso. I have also worked at NASA Ames Research Center in the Intelligest Robotics Group from 2005-2011 and at Los Alamos National Laboratory during early years of undergraduate study.

Selected Papers

Look at my Google Scholar profile for a full list.
Quark: Real-time, High-resolution, and General Neural View Synthesis
John Flynn*, Michael Broxton*, Lukas Murmann*, Lucy Chai, Matthew DuVall, Clément Godard, Kathryn Heal, Srinivas Kaza, Stephen Lombardi, Xuan Luo, Supreeth Achar, Kira Prabhu, Tiancheng Sun, Lynn Tsai, and Ryan Overbeck
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Journal Paper).
Inpaint3D: 3D Scene Content Generation using 2D Inpainting Diffusion
Kira Prabhu, Jane Wu, Lynn Tsai, Peter Hedman, Dan B Goldman, Ben Poole, Michael Broxton
Immersive Light Field Video with a Layered Mesh Representation
Michael Broxton*, John Flynn*, Ryan Overbeck*, Daniel Erickson*, Peter Hedman, Matthew DuVall, Jason Dourgarian, Jay Busch, Matt Whalen, Paul Debevec
SIGGRAPH 2020 (Conference Paper).
DeepView: View Synthesis with Learned Gradient Descent
John Flynn, Michael Broxton, Paul Debevec, Matthew DuVall, Graham Fyffe, Ryan Overbeck, Noah Snavely, Richard Tucker
CVPR 2018 (Conference Paper).
Wave optics theory and 3-D deconvolution for the light field microscope
Michael Broxton, Logan Grosenick, Samuel Yang, Noy Cohen, Aaron Andalman, Karl Deisseroth, Marc Levoy
Optics Express 2013 (Journal Paper).
Identification of cellular-activity dynamics across large tissue volumes in the mammalian brain
Logan Grosenick*, Michael Broxton*, Christina K. Kim*, Conor Liston*, Ben Poole, Samuel Yang, Aaron Andalman, Edward Scharff, Noy Cohen, Ofer Yizhar, Charu Ramakrishnan, Surya Ganguli, Patrick Suppes, Marc Levoy, Karl Deisseroth
bioRxiv, 2017 (Preprint).
3D Lunar Terrain Reconstruction from Apollo Images
Michael J. Broxton, Ara V. Nefian, Zachary Moratto, Taemin Kim, Michael Lundy, and Aleksandr V. Segal
ISVC 2009 (Conference paper).
The Ames Stereo Pipeline: Automated 3D Surface Reconstruction from Orbital Imagery
Michael Broxton and Larry Edwards
39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 2008 (abstract).
Localizing a sensor network via collaborative processing of global stimuli
Michael Broxton, Josh Lifton, and Joseph Paradiso
European Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks, 2005 (Conference paper).


Volume Reconstruction and Resolution Limits for Three Dimensional Snapshot Microscopy
PhD Defense Talk 2017.
Large-Scale Functional Imaging with the Light Field Microscope
CodeNeuro 2015.
The NASA Vision Workbench: Reflections on Image Processing in C++
Matthew Hancher and Michael BroxtonWillow Garage, 2009 (invited talk).

Credit for this website template goes to Phillip Isola.